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Prof. L.M. Little

Adjunct Professor of Anthropology

Southern California

Emperor Tamarin by Karina Rindt

About our Non-Human Primate Website:

The contents of this website were put together by college students of Prof. L.M. Little as part of their required course work in Introduction to Physical Anthropology. The purpose of this assignment was to give the students an understanding of the evolutionary relationship we share with non-human primates, through an exploration of their anatomy and behavior. In addition, the assignment was meant to raise awareness of the threats many species face in the wild and their current endangerment status.


The students made every effort to assemble accurate information about each non-human primate species and Prof. Little, likewise, made an effort to thoroughly review each submission for errors and accuracy. Despite this, errors may have slipped by us. If any are noted during your review of the website, both Prof. Little and her students would greatly appreciate if you would bring them to our attention (see email link below).  Likewise, an effort has been made to identify and give credit to the website sources of all the included photographs and artwork.


As you explore our website, we hope you enjoy getting to know some of our primate cousins, just as we have done in the course of constructing this website!

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